The Bible-reading marathon is underway right now at the U.S. Capitol.

Trump Administration Reveals Top 4 Prayer Needs as They Embrace the Mordecai Mantle


Ralph Reed, former executive director of the Christian Coalition and currently president of Century Strategies, returned from Washington, D.C., with high-level info for praying Christians. On a nationwide phone call with over 1,000 intercessors, Ralph revealed a key official in the Trump administration confided in him their four pre-eminent needs.

The setting for Mr. Reed’s disclosure was the First Friday national prayer conference call sponsored by Intercessors for America ministry. Each month, prominent Christian leaders like Ann Graham Lotz, David Barton and others engage with multitudes of intercessors in every state to collectively pray in a cacophony of heavenly appeals on behalf of our nation.

In my 40-plus years on the board of this outstanding ministry, there has never been an initiative like this monthly prayer call to galvanize prayer warriors! I encourage readers of this commentary to be involved in this 45-minute venture. [605-475-3250 & enter code 148275# at 12:10 ET—first Friday of each month]

Backstory and Parallels

Before disclosing the key areas for intercession, Ralph brought to mind God’s amazing intervention in the 2016 Trump/Clinton presidential race. He emphasized that we’ve been given a reprieve in our nation but must not squander the opportunity.

The election brought the largest evangelical turnout in history with Donald Trump garnering 81 percent of the vote to Hillary’s 16 percent evangelical support.

He respectfully pointed out how the media and pollsters were clueless but multitudes believe it to be the “God Factor” as Franklin Graham called it.

Ralph Reed took us back to Reagan’s election for some parallels. In the middle of the Cold War with the Soviet Union, “The Gipper” did not acquiesce or believe we should sheepishly coexist with what he called the “Evil Empire.” Similar to Mr. Trump’s forthright and non-politically correct approach, he told us we must maintain “peace through strength”; oppose the violent, atheist ideology; and recognize it as a “spiritual battle” so that eventually communism would be defeated and put on the “trash heap of history.”

President Ronald Reagan was ridiculed just as Mr. Trump experiences the same avalanche of mockery for his bold initiatives informed by strong Christian administration officials who surround him.

Yet in seven years the Soviet Union was dismantled as the Berlin Wall came crashing down and freedom came to hundreds of millions who were formerly enslaved!

Ralph Reed’s Revelations

Interacting with top leaders in the Trump administration, my friend opened up to share the four primary areas where Christians must be faithful to pray. Ralph did not cite the name of the individual who told him these four prayer priorities, but we can “take it to the bank” that this is reliable information!

1. Strength

Our elected officials and Trump Cabinet members know what to do but with nonstop attacks and media bias we must remain faithful to pray they have divine enablement to carry out the tasks no matter what the price.

An official told Ralph that when he returns home his own teenagers face such intense opposition he has to encourage them not to waver but stay on the path of righteousness. Our leaders, their spouses and their families need our prayer support in this critical area.

2. Protection

High-level officials standing for righteousness are prime targets of the enemy! A cursory review of history highlighting leaders standing on God’s side of the aisle, reminds us of the dangerous waters prominent leaders must navigate. 1 Timothy 2:1-3 directs us to pray “first of all” for them.

This week, President Trump will travel to meet with leaders in the three centers of our major world religions: Saudi Arabia with Islamic representatives; Israel with Jewish rulers; finally a trip to the Vatican for time with Pope Francis. Security will be extremely tight and we must undergird the leader of the free world with faithful intercession.

3. Unity

Our adversary’s strategy has always been to divide and conquer.

Ralph pointed out the sniping on Capitol Hill and the constant distortion of truth that brings confusion and division.

He emphasized that we are on the verge of taking back ground for which we’ve long contended. We must remain grateful for the gains that have been made and remember God sent them into the promised land to take it “little by little” (Deut. 7:22).

4. Courage

The meltdown in our culture and the hostility of those standing against God’s unchanging standards are intense. Attempts to squelch freedom of religion and freedom of speech are evident on college campuses and in the news media weekly.

As we stand unapologetically for the sanctity of human life, the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman, biblical standards on purity and family, Israel, religious freedom and a host of unpopular issues, we must pray not only for ourselves but our elected officials to have the courage to stand against the tide, supporting traditional values.

“Courage is not the absence of fear but the overcoming of it!” May we all reconsecrate ourselves to regularly intercede for our governmental leaders to be bold no matter what comes their way!

The Esther/Mordecai Challenge

Before we closed our time and prayed together, Ralph led us in prayer, exhibiting his character and humility. Having been in his home and with him on a number of occasions, I vouch for his authenticity. He too needs our prayers.

Here’s the Deal: As Ralph Reed reminded us how Mordecai in Scripture challenged Esther to stand for righteousness, pray and act in their critical time of opportunity, so must we. “For if you remain silent at this time, protection and deliverance for the Jews will be ordained from some other place … And who knows if you may have attained royal position for such a time as this?” (Esth. 5:14).

As we engage for righteousness and the restoration of Judeo-Christian foundations, may we remember, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD” (Ps. 33:12). Kudos to men and women like Ralph Reed who are champions inspiring us along the way.


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