Hamas and Fatah Train Children to Kill Jews at Summer Camps

Fatah—the political faction that controls the Palestinian Authority—is running a summer camp for children that is named after an infamous terrorist, an Israeli research institute reported on Wednesday.
The camp, Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) said, honors Dalal Mughrabi, who took part in the 1978 Coastal Road massacre, in which 39 people—including 13 children—were killed.
Mughrabi died in a shootout with Israeli police at the culmination of the incident. Until today, the attack is the deadliest terrorist event ever suffered by Israel.
According to an Al-Hayat Al-Jadida article translated by PMW, a delegation from the PA Ministry of Culture recently visited the camp, which is located in the West Bank town of Yasuf.
“Educating Palestinian youth to see terrorist murderers as role models is Palestinian Authority policy,” PMW charged.

To read the rest of this article, visit prophecynewswatch.com.


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