Kirk Cameron

Kirk Cameron Hopes to Revive America With This Strategy


Kirk Cameron is getting creative with his revival strategies.

This October, he hopes Christians around the nation will converge on movie theaters for a live event to inspire believers to press into revival.

Kirk Cameron’s Revive Us will feature Dr. Ben Carson, pastors Francis Chan and Dr. James MacDonald, best-selling authors Eric Metaxas and Jennifer Rothschild along with musical performances by Vertical Church Band and specially-formed duo Abby Ward and Isabella Cameron.

“As I travel to churches across America, I meet thousands who tell me they feel discouraged, concerned and afraid for their children’s future and the future of America,” says Cameron. “I want people to come to this event so I can help them return home awakened, empowered and engaged to make a difference in the real world. Together, we’ll discover the one and only strategy that has succeeded in every generation, on every continent, and never failed to restore a nation, morally, spiritually and economically.”


This live event is set for October 18 at 8:00 p.m. ET with an encore showing on Monday, October 24 at 7:00 p.m. local time at over 700 movie theaters. The evening will conclude with a 15-minute Q&A based on audience-submitted questions, and will be followed by an open time for attendees to gather in their theaters for prayer and discussion.

Although I doubt this will bring revival in and of itself, these are the types of moves we need to see in the entertainment world. Cameron has been a consistent voice for morality in the entertainment mountain, and a strategic evangelist that is effectively winning souls for the kingdom. Let’s pray this event succeeds in its mission and paves the way for more like it.


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