Ben Carson: I’m Resisting Trump’s Cabinet Offers, But …


Dr. Ben Carson says he does not want a position in President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet, but the neurosurgeon does wish to remain in confidences with the businessman.  

“I will continue to be part of [Trump’s] counselors, assuming I can resist his efforts to get me in the Cabinet,” Carson shared with a select group of callers earlier this week.

Trump announced yesterday he was “seriously considering Dr. Ben Carson as the head of HUD. I’ve gotten to know him well—he’s a greatly talented person who loves people!”  

Carson has flip-flopped multiple times as to whether he will serve in Trump’s Cabinet.  

He told “The FOX Report” if, after meeting, the Presidential Transition Team decided to offer him a position in the government, he wouldn’t turn it down. The retired neurosurgeon later retweeted a CNN reporter’s “Breaking News” tweet about the statement. {eoa}


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