Condoleeza Rice

Does Condoleeza Rice Fit Into Romney’s VP Ring?


If rumors are true, Condoleeza Rice could become the next Republican vice presidential candidate.

The former Secretary of State’s name is the latest to be tossed into Mitt Romney’s speculative ring. Sen. Marco Rubio and Rep. Allen West have also been named as possible candidates.

According to Drudge Report, Rice received two standing ovations at a gathering of Romney supporters in Utah recently. Rice has publicly stated that she is not after the vice president slot, but an email she sent to supporters has fanned the flame of speculation:

“2012 is perhaps a turning point for the United States. The upcoming elections loom as one of the most important in my lifetime. I’m very often asked to speak about our current foreign policy and the challenges that lie before us. However, we, as a country, are not going to be able to address any of those international challenges unless we first get our domestic house in order.”

Romney’s camp has not commented on the rumors.

Rice served as Secretary of State under George W. Bush, succeeding Colin Powell. She served four years before leaving the White House. She was the first African-American woman to serve in the position.

Rice helped successfully negotiate several agreements in the Middle East, including Israeli withdrawal from and the opening of the Gaza border crossings in 2005 and the August 14, 2006 ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah forces in Lebanon.

Rice also worked actively to improve human rights issues in Iran and supported the passage of a United Nations Security Council Resolution for sanctions against the country unless its uranium enrichment program was curtailed.

In October 2008, one of Rice’s most successful negotiations came to fruition, with the signing of the U.S.-India Agreement for Cooperation Concerning Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy (123 Agreement), which would allow civil nuclear trade between the two countries.


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