Dr. James Dobson Endorses Bible-Believing Judge for Senatorial Seat


In the lead-up to Alabama’s special election on Sept. 26 to replace the senatorial seat vacated by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Dr. James Dobson issued the following statement endorsing Judge Roy Moore.

This statement is issued in his personal capacity as a citizen and not on behalf of any organizations he is affiliated with or leads:

 For more than 15 years, it has been my privilege to know, and count as a friend, Judge Roy Moore. I can personally attest to his impeccable character as well as his sincere Christian faith.

Throughout his career, Judge Moore has been a tireless champion of religious liberty, standing down those who want nothing less than to rid our nation of its Judeo-Christian foundations. Shirley and I watched with admiration when, in 1997, he fought to preserve the right to pray in court at the beginning of each session—just as the Senate does to this day. Then again in 2003, when he fought bravely against a federal district judge who directed the removal of a 2 ½-ton Ten Commandments monument from the rotunda of the State Judicial Center.

On each occasion, and on a hundred others, the people of Alabama rallied behind Judge Moore’s leadership in the public square. Judge Moore has also proven, time and again, that he is a true champion of the Constitution and a defender of the lives of the unborn.

It is my distinct honor to endorse Judge Roy Moore for the United States Senate, and I urge the people of Alabama to rally behind a righteous and upright man who will bring leadership, integrity and strong conservative values to Washington, D.C.” {eoa}

Dr. James Dobson is a celebrated psychologist, Christian leader, and founder and president of Family Talk, a nonprofit organization that produces his radio program, “Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk.” He is the author of more than 30 books dedicated to the preservation of the family. Dr. Dobson served as an associate clinical professor of pediatrics at the University of Southern California School of Medicine for 14 years and on the attending staff of Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles for 17 years in the divisions of Child Development and Medical Genetics. He holds 18 honorary doctoral degrees and was inducted in 2008 into The National Radio Hall of Fame.


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