Evangelical Leaders Applaud Guatemala Decision to Recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital


The Latino Coalition for Israel coordinated a historic delegation of over 20 Leaders representing millions of Evangelicals to visit the President of Guatemala, Jimmy Morales this week. The Delegation came to personally express their gratitude and support for Morales’ decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and for his decision to move Guatemala’s Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

The group joined a broader delegation of 70 Christian and Jewish Leaders for the Mission of Solidarity and Gratitude to Guatemala.

The delegates met for a dinner and private meeting with President Morales at the Presidential residence. Faith Leaders Mario Bramnick, President of LCI; Tony Perkins, President of Family Research Council; Congresswoman Michele Bachmann; Pastor Ramiro Pena, Senior Pastor, Christ the King; Dr. Jim Garlow, Senior Pastor of Skyline Church and Lourdes Aguirre, LCI Director, were among those who met with the President. José Garces, Founder of Armonicemos and Gloria Garces, Media, & Outreach Director of Fuente Latina, coordinated the dinner and meetings and were instrumental in mobilizing the Evangelical Leaders in Guatemala to support the Embassy move to Jerusalem.

The Latino Coalition for Israel launched a Latin American Jerusalem Task Force with key Christian and Jewish leaders from the United States and Latin America. The Task Force will begin a campaign working with other Latin American leaders to prompt them to declare Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and to make decisions on moving their Embassies to Jerusalem.

“Christian and Jewish leaders gathered in Guatemala, united as one, to proudly applaud President Morales’ decision to move Guatemala’s Embassy from Tel-Aviv to its rightful place in Jerusalem, a city that has represented the importance of the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people for thousands of years,” Bramnick said.

Aguirre reiterated the importance of having other leaders follow Guatemala’s lead.

“It is our desire to see other Latin American nations follow the bold decision and leadership of President Trump and President Morales,” Aguirre said.

Here is what other leaders had to say about the visit with Morales and the importance of the event:

“Our support for Israel is first and foremost rooted in the Bible, where it was clearly established that God gave the Land of Israel, with Jerusalem as its undivided capital, to the Jewish people as an eternal covenant. Indeed, the claim and presence of Jewish people in Israel and Jerusalem has remained constant for more than 3,000 years.”—Congresswoman Michelle Bachman

“Beyond our many mutual strategic interests, Israel is an exceptional country that shares our most essential values. It is the only nation in the Middle East where Freedom of Religion, as defined by the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, is practiced. This is of utmost concern to Christians and Jews. The freedom to access numerous Christian and Jewish ancestral heritage sites is safeguarded and guaranteed by Israeli sovereignty, a fact that stands in stark contrast to the persecution and genocide of Christians taking place in most countries throughout the region.”—Tony Perkins

“We come to stand with President Morales – and the nation of Guatemala – because he has taken a stand for truth. The President recognizes that every nation should choose its own capital. But even more important is the fact that God chose Israel’s capital. We stand with Guatemala as they have stood for truth and justice.”—Dr. Jim Garlow

“Despite the challenges and obstacles that may confront our support for Israel, we know that this support is instrumental. For as the Lord promised Abraham, “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse,” and as the Psalmist wrote of his sacred capital …. “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; may they prosper them that love thee.”—Pastor Ramiro Pena {eoa}


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