CNN Grid

Part 2: Another Big Name at CNN Admits the Russia Narrative Is a ‘Big Nothingburger’


Another shoe dropped Wednesday afternoon for CNN with the release of yet another damaging video from Project Veritas and its founder, journalist James O’Keefe.

In this new video clip, one of the most prominent liberal commentators on the network, Van Jones, a member of President Barack Obama’s inner circle, told someone working for Project Veritas that there’s “nothing there” to support the liberal media’s “Russia Narrative.” According to a clock recorded at the beginning of the clip, the conversation took place on Monday.

“The Russia thing is just a big nothingburger,” he said. “There’s nothing there you can do.”

This latest video follows immediately on the heels of a previous clip that is part of Project Veritas’ “American Pravda” project in which a senior producer at CNN admitted the coverage of Russia Narrative was being pushed by ratings. The same producer also noted there is no evidence to support that narrative, and if there was, he would’ve expected it to have been leaked by an Obama loyalist still working in the government.

That video became the subject of a heated back-and-forth during Tuesday’s White House Press Briefing as the Trump administration has hammered the liberal mainstream media this week. But this latest video begs the question of how many more shoes are going to drop.

In both the Tuesday and Wednesday videos, O’Keefe strongly hinted there will be more installments, and they won’t just focus on CNN. Other media outlets he has hinted at include ABC, CBS, the NBC family of networks, FOX News Channel, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe and Wall Street Journal.

“The media for years has gotten away with manufacturing consent,” he said. “People are fed up with the emptiness and the artifice that pervades our media.

“Well, I’ll tell you something. Change is coming, whether CNN likes it or not.” {eoa}


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