President-elect Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

This Is What ‘Will Be Different’ After Jan. 20 for Israel


Following Friday’s United Nations Security Council vote against Israeli settlements, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu toughened the Israeli response against countries that supported Resolution 2334. In closed-door meetings Sunday, Netanyahu said, “Israel is strong, and I won’t let us be spit on. We will respond forcefully.”

As part of Israel’s response to the Security Council’s decision, Netanyahu intends to work with President-elect Donald Trump and senior officials in his incoming administration to exact an economic and diplomatic price from the countries that voted in favor of the resolution.

In further retaliation against the Security Council resolution, which states that the Western Wall is “occupied territory,” the prime minister lit the second Hanukkah candle at the Western Wall plaza Sunday evening.

“I didn’t plan on being here this evening,” Netanyahu said, “but in light of the U.N. decision, I thought there was no better place to light the Hanukkah candle than right here, the Western Wall. According to the U.N. decision, the Maccabees did not liberate Jerusalem, they conquered Palestinian territory. According to the U.N. decision, their villages, from the area of Modi’in and its surroundings, were occupied Palestinian territory. Of course, the Palestinians came much later, and I ask those countries who wish us a ‘Happy Hanukkah,’ how could they vote for a U.N. resolution that says the place we now stand and celebrate Hanukkah is occupied territory?” {eoa}

This article was originally published at Used with permission.


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