Mitch McConnell has a stunning admission.

Why Almost Everybody Thinks Mitch McConnell Should Throw in the Towel


Speaker of the House John Boehner is out, and other lawmakers are already throwing their hats into the ring for the position. In the wake of that shake-up, some conservative Republicans are calling on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to step down from his leadership post as well.

In an Action Alert sent last week to its tens of thousands of friends and supporters, American Family Association (AFA, says that more and more conservatives are speaking out against the lack of backbone in standing against President Obama and liberal Democrats. At the forefront of that argument is Boehner and McConnell’s refusal to defund Planned Parenthood of a $528 million annual gift card at the hands of pro-life taxpayers.

Today, AFA is releasing the results of the online poll, which found that 97.85 percent of those who took the poll say that McConnell should resign from his position as Senate Majority Leader, given his lack of conservative leadership.

“As lawmakers this week again try to defund Planned Parenthood through a budget reconciliation bill, millions of unborn babies desperately need leaders who will step up and fight for them,” said AFA President Tim Wildmon. “Despite the overwhelming video evidence that Planned Parenthood is mutilating babies and selling their parts, so far those who have the power to strip the abortion mill of more than a half-billion dollars are taking a back seat. Americans want someone who will take the reins and push for steps that will end the gruesome practices that are commonplace in the abortion industry. Right now, those leaders are not at the helm, and if they have no intention of fighting for the unborn, they should step aside and make room for someone who will.”

The Washington Examiner reports that the House Budget Committee is planning a hearing for Friday on a budget reconciliation bill, “which can pass the Senate with a simple majority instead of the typical 60-vote threshold. … The bill says (that Planned Parenthood) can’t receive federal funds for one year and redirects the money to other health centers.”

Thirty-five groups support the reconciliation effort, writing to Congress that “Planned Parenthood and other abortion businesses do not need or deserve taxpayer funding,” according to the Washington Examiner.

For AFA’s poll, more than 26,000 stated that McConnell should resign.


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