The Key to America’s Future


I recently awakened with a distinct, internal conviction that God has given us a key to America’s future. As I thought on this, I instinctively knew that the key to America’s future is a recovery of America’s past, for as George Orwell said, “Whoever controls the past, controls the future.”

The anti-Christian forces in America have been very busy taking control of America’s past and purging everything Christian from its founding and history. School children and college students are now taught that those first immigrants to America came for adventure and gold and that its founders were a bunch of wealthy, Deistic slave owners who were seeking more power.

These historical revisionists have known exactly what they were doing, for as Alexander Solzhenitsyn said, “To destroy a people you must first sever their roots.”  

Robbed of its Christian heritage, America’s populace seems vulnerable, as never before, to being shaped into an amoral, secularist society. We have reached the place of which Karl Marx spoke, when he said, “People without a heritage are easily persuaded.”

If we are going to take control of America’s future, we must use the key and take control of her past. We must restore her true heritage as a nation birthed out of great, spiritual awakening.

I was drawn into this in 2010 at a time when I had given up hope of America ever seeing another national, spiritual awakening. I was surprised by the Holy Spirit that day and for several hours my heart and mind were flooded with thoughts of hope and faith that America “could” see another great, spiritual awakening that would stem the tide of secularism, immorality and false religion that is flooding our land.

The other thing with which the Holy Spirit surprised me that day was the understanding that there was a direct link between the First Great Awakening and the founding of America. I had researched and written about the Great Awakening, but for the first time I saw that it had a direct bearing on the founding of this nation.

I knew instinctively that I was to put in writing what I was seeing. So after more research and writing, my book Pilgrims and Patriots came into existence. Pat Robertson read the manuscript and called it “a must-read!”

I have since created a PowerPoint presentation from the book that I call “Revive America.” In it I show how America was birthed out of great, spiritual awakening, and I call those present to begin praying for another such Awakening to rock our land.

This is the key to America’s future. We must take control of our past if we are to have any hope of taking control of our future for the next generation.


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