Colorado Capitol Building

Another Reality TV Star Considers Politics


Another reality television star is hoping to put his new-found fame to good use by serving others in the realm of politics.

According to TheBlaze, Ben Higgins, the most recent star of The Bachelor, is considering a run for the Colorado State House seat currently held by Speaker Pro Tempore Dan Pabon (D-Denver). The third-term Democrat was arrested in April for driving while intoxicated, putting the heavily Democratic District 4 seat “into play.”

Higgins, an evangelical Christian who grew up in Indiana, turned the increasingly racy reality program into a “PG” affair this past season, which drew complaints from critics—more for the producers’ editing out his expressions of faith. Away from the show, he used every opportunity to remind fans who and what he is about.

It’s likely his faith would play an integral role in a campaign, should he decide to run.

“My objective is sparking a movement to engage people in our community, working to find common ground and making a positive impact,” Higgins told TheBlaze. “I know with the blessings God has given me, I can provide some of the leadership and support for such a movement.”

The current Republican candidate for District 4 is Willie Pinkston, a Denver business consultant. He said he was willing to step aside if Higgins decides to run, but the former TV star doesn’t want anyone to rush to any conclusions just yet.

“Whatever lies ahead, love, grace and hope are ideals that guide my life,” he said. “I will take them with me into my next adventure. Lauren and I aren’t sure yet what that will be, but in terms of representing House District 4, Willie Pinkston is an amazing person and any decision I make regarding entering the race will be based on what is best for Willie, his family, and for Lauren and me.”

Higgins already has a placeholder website set up for his campaign. It encourages supporters to sign up for email alerts to his campaign, and includes the following message:

Thank you for your support as Ben explores his opportunities to make a positive impact on his local community! To stay informed as Ben begins this journey, please sign up to receive emails below.

The GOP primary for District 4 will be held June 28, and the filing deadline has already passed. Pinkston is the only candidate on the ballot. Should he resign, following a 10-day wait, a vacancy committee would ultimately determine if Higgins could run in his stead.

“If Ben decides to move forward and wants to run, I would gladly withdraw and am more than happy to support him,” Pinkston said.


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