Spirit-Filled Speaker Believes Widespread Revival Is Coming to America


Clearly, 2020 contained a season of darkening fears and deepening hopelessness for all of us—with lockdowns, massive hospitalizations, inflamed political discord, social revolutions, financial dislocations, plus hundreds of thousands of lives lost to COVID-19.

But could 2020 actually be “the dark before the dawn”? What if God is using it to prepare us for a Holy Spirit-birthed “morning in America” in 2021?

David Bryant believes there’s every reason to embrace such a prospect! And for good reason.

Historians record previous works of national renewal through three American Great Awakenings over the past three centuries.

These gospel movements brought fresh demonstrations of the saving reign of Christ into the life of our nation.

Only a similar widespread revival across America, pouring out a fresh revelation of the supremacy and fullness of Jesus, can save our nation in 2021—and beyond.

Thankfully, for over 40 years, David Bryant has studied and spoken worldwide about this great biblical hope—what he and others call a “Christ Awakening.” That’s why he expects such a dramatic work of the Spirit lies just ahead to deliver us out of our world of hurt.

Bryant is currently recording a series on Christ Today on the Charisma Podcast Network called You and the Coming Christ Awakening. In this series, Bryant presents a unique series of episodes that explores in depth the glories of an awakening to the Lord Jesus Christ for who He is and all that He is—and what that can mean in your life and in the life of your church—as well as the direction of our nation.

Download an episode a day to receive amazing insights that will ignite in you fresh hope for the future and revitalize your own walk with Jesus. {eoa}


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