The Lie the Enemy Wants You to Believe About Your Workplace


Jim and Martha Brangenberg share a passion to dispel a lie the enemy tries to deceive believers with every day. As founders of I Work 4 Him ministry, the Brangenbergs want Christ-followers to know they can make an impact in their workplace and are not insignificant when it comes to spreading the Word of God.

For the last six years, the Brangenbergs’ message at has been to encourage believers to recognize that their workplace is a ripe mission field and they have a high calling to connect their co-workers or employees to the gospel of Christ.

“One of the things that drives me nuts is that most Jesus-followers who are working outside of the four walls of church think of themselves as second-tier citizens in the kingdom,” Jim Brangenberg told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of “Greenelines” on the Charisma Podcast Network. “It’s a lie that the enemy has pervaded across our society.

“It’s so important that everyone understands that their workplace is a mission field. It is a place of ministry, and they have been placed there on purposes and intentionally by our heavenly Father who not only loves them but loves the people they work with. And now, since 65% of the population of this country never attends church, they are never going to hear about the hope we have in Jesus unless Jesus-followers are mobilized and energized to recognize that they have a place of ministry and significance.

“My encouragement to you as you enter your workplace today is to start praying for the co-workers and employees that you work alongside every day and ask the Lord to open up conversations where you can help share hope with those people.”

For more information about I Work 4 Him, listen to the podcast below.


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