The Great Reset: How to Flip a Biblical or Western Culture

2022 6 Jack Hibbs Kirk

Earlier this year at its annual summit in Davos, Switzerland, the World Economic Forum set down a list of eight worldwide economic predictions for 2030. Topping that list was the edict that, “You will own nothing and be happy.”

Jack Hibbs, pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in Chino Hills, Calif., and conservative Christian political activist Charlie Kirk say that decree is not biblical, and it is certainly how most people, including Christians, will want to live in the near future.

“They want you to own nothing and be happy. Here’s the thing: God never condemned owning property,” Kirk said recently. “In fact, he encourages being able to own private property and to be able to trade.

“Why is private property do important to freedom? Look at Canada. If you do not have the ability to protect your own stuff, then it’s not yours. It’s the state’s and the government’s. They can say, we don’t like your politics, we don’t like your worldview, and so your bank account is gone—instantaneously. Private property is a stop sign—an do not enter sign—for a tyrant not to be able to get to your business. You cannot be free without private property. It’s impossible.

Every common denominator of a totalitarian dictatorship is that it first gets ride of private property ownership. They said you couldn’t own oil wells in Venezuela, and that’s how that whole mess got started. You can’t have more than one restaurant in Cuba. You can’t be too rich or too wealthy or we’re just going to confiscate all of your stuff. The creepy part is that it’s hypnotic. Either way, it’s says we’re going to force you to be happy, that you’re going to like it. You get that?

Hibbs took the biblical analysis of The Great Reset.

“Throughout scripture it speaks of private ownership,” Hibbs says. “Abraham owned land, he owned cattle, he had sheep. You cannot have biblical stewardship with out private ownership, and we are going to be judged on that upon the day of Christ. One day we are going to stand before the Lord and he will judge us on how faithful we were on what He gave us to own. Did we keep it for ourselves or did we multiply it and make it useful for others?

“Jesus spoke to it, even through parables, that man had land and had a harvest. He hired others to work in his fields. The Great Reset is against that. They want to own everything you have. It’s not the fact that they want to own so much themselves, but they want to be that God-like entity that makes you’re the peasant.

“God never said poverty is a virtue. God says if you are faithful with a little bit then He will make you faithful with a little more. It’s not to redistribute the wealth, like Barack Obama wants us to do. America is still the place that’s a beacon of hope, and that’s why people come here.”

For the rest of Hibbs’ and Kirk’s comments on The Great Reset, watch this video, beginning at around the 7:30 mark.

Shawn A. Akers is the online editor for Charisma Media.

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